The Agreement on Free Trade and Economic Partnership (FTEPA) between Switzerland and Japan was signed on 19 February 2009 in Tokyo. It is a comprehensive agreement which puts the already close Swiss-Japanese trade and economic relations on a new, solid footing and contributes to further deepening bilateral ties. Economically, this is the most important free trade agreement (FTA) signed by Switzerland since the 1972 FTA between Switzerland and the European Community (EC). The agreement entered into force on 1 September 2009.

Agreement on Free Trade and Economic Partnership (FTEPA), bilateral Switzerland-Japan.
Legal framework
Further information
Article "L’accord de libre-échange et de partenariat économique entre la Suisse et le Japon" (PDF, 139 kB, 02.11.2009)Patrick Ziltener und Martin Zbinden dans: la Vie économique 10-2008
Last modification 10.09.2020