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Switzerland-China FTA - Main Agreement (PDF, 502 kB, 06.07.2013)
Switzerland-China FTA- Main agreement (signed version) (PDF, 1 MB, 08.07.2013)
Switzerland- China FTA - Record of Understanding (PDF, 71 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex I Tariff Schedules (PDF, 6 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 1 to Annex I - Tariff Schedule China (PDF, 7 MB, 05.07.2013)
Schedule of Concessions China (working document for information purposes only) (XLS, 3 MB, 08.07.2013)
Appendix 2 to Annex I - Tariff Schedule Switzerland (PDF, 4 MB, 05.07.2013)
Schedule of Concessions Switzerland (working document for information purposes only) (XLS, 1 MB, 08.07.2013)
Annex II Product Specific Rules (PDF, 238 kB, 09.11.2021)
Annex III Certificates of Origin (PDF, 6 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 1 to Annex III - Certificate of Origin China (PDF, 99 kB, 31.08.2021)
Appendix 2 to Annex III - Certificate of Origin Switzerland (PDF, 125 kB, 31.08.2021)
Annex IV Origin Declaration (PDF, 73 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex V Labelling of Textiles (PDF, 9 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex VI Trade in Services (PDF, 137 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex VII Schedules of Specific Commitments (PDF, 6 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 1 to Annex VII - Schedule of Specific Commitments China (PDF, 419 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 2 to Annex VII - Schedule of Specific Commitments Switzerland (PDF, 592 kB, 09.11.2021)
Annex VIII Lists of MFN Exemptions (PDF, 6 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 1 to Annex VIII - List of MFN Exemptions China (PDF, 72 kB, 05.07.2013)
Appendix 2 to Annex VIII - List of MFN Exemptions Switzerland (PDF, 84 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex IX Plant Variety Protection (PDF, 73 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex X Procedural Rules (PDF, 84 kB, 05.07.2013)
Annex XI Reimbursement of Traditional Chinese Medicine under the Health System (PDF, 85 kB, 05.07.2013)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Work Programme (PDF, 136 kB, 09.11.2021)
Agreement on Labour and Employment (PDF, 91 kB, 05.07.2013)
Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of TBT and SPS (PDF, 332 kB, 05.07.2013)
Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of SPS (PDF, 178 kB, 05.07.2013)
Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Certification and Accreditation (PDF, 176 kB, 05.07.2013)
Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Telecommunication (PDF, 178 kB, 05.07.2013)
Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Test Results of Measuring Instruments (PDF, 164 kB, 05.07.2013)
D - Switzerland-China FTA - Main Agreement (PDF, 289 kB, 09.11.2021)
D - Agreement on Labour and Employment Cooperation (PDF, 113 kB, 09.11.2021)
F - Switzerland-China FTA - Main Agreement (PDF, 760 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Switzerland-China FTA - Record of Understanding (PDF, 118 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on Labour and Employment Cooperation (PDF, 187 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on cooperation in TBT and SPS (PDF, 240 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on Cooperation in the Areas of SPS (PDF, 128 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on Cooperation in the Areas of Certification and Accreditation (PDF, 124 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on Cooperation in the Areas of Telecommunication (PDF, 128 kB, 05.07.2013)
F - Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Test Results of Measuring Instruments (PDF, 297 kB, 05.07.2013)
I - Switzerland-China FTA - Main Agreement (PDF, 282 kB, 09.11.2021)
I - Agreement on Labour and Employment Cooperation (PDF, 100 kB, 06.07.2013)
CN -Switzerland-China FTA - Main Agreement (PDF, 964 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Switzerland-China FTA- Main agreement (signed version) (PDF, 3 MB, 06.07.2013)
CN - Switzerland - China FTA - Record of Understanding (PDF, 108 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Agreement on Labour and Employment (PDF, 153 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of TBT and SPS (PDF, 427 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of SPS (PDF, 306 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Certification and Accreditation (PDF, 273 kB, 09.11.2021)
CN - Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Telecommunication (PDF, 278 kB, 05.07.2013)
CN - Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Test Results of Measuring Instruments (PDF, 361 kB, 09.11.2021)
Messaggio per lo specialista Ultima modifica 19.02.2025
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