Tourism policy

The tourism policy acts as a centre of expertise for the conceptual design and implementation of Switzerland’s tourism policy. It develops knowledge bases, formulates policy, represents the interests of tourism policy both nationally and internationally, supervises Switzerland Tourism and the Swiss Society for Hotel Credit on behalf of the Swiss government, and enforces the Federal Act on the Promotion of Innovation, Cooperation and Knowledge Creation in Tourism (Innotour).

Switzerland is a top tourist destination with an immense wealth of scenic and cultural attractions in a highly compact area as well as excellent infrastructure and tourist companies offering high-quality services. Tourism is a major sector in the Swiss economy, particularly in the Alps.

Latest news about Swiss tourism policy.


On 10 November 2021, the Federal Council adopted the Confederation’s tourism strategy. It forms the basis for the Confederation’s tourism policy. The aim is to ensure that Switzerland’s tourism industry remains competitive internationally, and to promote Switzerland as an attractive tourist destination.


The promotion of innovation is the main impact of Innotour. Innotour wants to improve the innovation climate in destinations, trigger innovations and thus strengthen the competitiveness of destinations.

The Tourism Forum Switzerland (TFS) is a dialog and coordination platform with the aim of strengthening coordination and cooperation in tourism policy and addressing challenges in a targeted manner.

It is the task of the federal government to further improve the statistical basis in tourism at the national level. SECO plays an important role in this respect.

Last modification 26.03.2025

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State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Tourism policy
Holzikofenweg 36
CH - 3003 Bern

Phone 058 462 27 58
Fax 058 463 12 12


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