CSR and Fight against corruption

Making success sustainable through Responsible Business Conduct – Human Rights Due Diligence of Swiss SMEs


This brochure gives Swiss SMEs a practical overview of the opportunities and challenges of responsible business conduct. It also provides the steps required to implement human rights due diligence as well as useful and specific information for human rights risk assessment.

The Commodity Trading Sector Guidance on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights


This sector guidance provides companies active in commodity trading with a listing of receipts enabling them to implement the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. It was jointly elaborated by companies from the sector, NGOs and the concerned cantonal and feder-al authorities, among which the SECO.

Preventing corruption – Information for Swiss businesses operating abroad


The brochure provides Swiss companies operating abroad advice on the active prevention of corruption. The subject has become topical given the backdrop of stricter legal provisions that entered into force.

Last modification 01.02.2017

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